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Highly effective ready to use cream emulsion on a silane/ polysiloxane base for masonry injection against rising damp
Highly Efficient Class A+ ACCORDING BBRI (Belgian Building resaearch institute)


RC Inject 300® is a solvent free ready-to-use cream emulsion for masonry injection against rising damp.
RC Inject 300® is a high quality, very effective product, which is the result of years of research and experience.
RC Inject 300® damp-proofing cream has been formulated with a high concentration of active ingredient over 80% silane/siloxane.
When injected into masonry, RC Inject 300® cream reverts to a liquid phase it changes from the gel phase to a vapour phase resulting in complete absorption of the product providing superior penetration/flow and effective damp proof treatment.



RC Inject 300® has a number of advantages over conventional chemical injection damp-proofing systems for the contractor:

Concentrated formulation
RC Inject 300®contains over 80% active ingredient. Large quantities of water or solvent are introduced into the wall, prolonging the drying-out process.
Low hazard
RC Inject 300® is a solvent-free and odourless formulation. Many damp-proofing fluids used in pressure injection damp proofing systems are corrosive or flammable , and contain approximately 90% solvent. RC Inject 300® is a solvent-free formulation eliminates the odour problems associated with some traditional damp-proofing treatments.
Quick and easy to apply
RC Inject 300® is installed using a simple applicator gun, no electric injection pump required. RC Inject 300® can be injected two to three times faster than ordinary liquid injection fluids.


Controllable and consistent consumption rates
The controlled installation technique ensures effective treatment and consistent consumption rates.

Spillage & mess virtually eliminated
Damp-proofing fluid can flow through cracks and fissures or spread evenly through the wall.

Stable formulation
Its unique formulation on a pure cream emulsion base enables superior penetration of the ingredient within the building material.




Active ingredients : silane/siloxane polymer

Solids : 80%

Viscosity : thixotropic gel

Density : 0,9

Flash point : 64°C (ISO 3679)

Diluent : water

pH : n/a

Colour : white

Efficiency : see report BBRI (Belgium) # DE622X910/EXT N (consumption 1,25 l/m2)

Security : see updated MSDS


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